Life lessons from Stardew Valley: keep your spouse happy by saying one thing to them per day and giving them a blueberry.

I’ve seen a lot of rainbows this summer.
It’s been especially fun when they show up because we’re watching a lot of 80s cartoons lately, and the biggest lesson we’ve learned is that rainbows are the gold standard in fighting evil, fascism, dark magic, people who hate fun, and people who live in castles that are very dark and pointy.

One of my rewards to myself for finishing Stars Fall Out (and also an early birthday present) was a box set of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Best Star Trek ever, and best show ever.
I should’ve bought it ages ago on whatever flimsy excuse I could come up with.
Today, our values are under attack. This is February 2nd, Groundhog Day, the day when all TRUE AMERICANS gather around their televisions to watch the movie Groundhog Day, starring THE SAINTED Bill Murray.
Instead, the LIBERAL MEDIA has chosen to air the Superbowl today. This is a WAR ON GROUNDHOG DAY.
The Devastating Real Life Effects of HOME ALONE’s Booby Traps
This video explains why the traps in Home Alone would actually be lethal. This is something we all know to be true, but the video explains it with engineering and physics. And silliness.
Kevin McCallister is still my role model.
The Judgmental Advice Column: Friends and Movie References
If someone hasn’t seen a movie that you like, it says everything about them as a person. The Judgmental Advice Column tackles friends who don’t get movie and TV references.
Time is money; money is power; power is pizza; pizza is knowledge. Let’s go!
— April Ludgate, Parks and Recreation, Season 6: Second Chunce
A friend posted on Facebook asking which five TV shows you would bring to a deserted island. Here are mine:
Doctor Who
Star Trek: DS9
Gilmore Girls
30 Rock
Avatar: The Last Airbender, and its sequel Legend of Korra
Those last two are separate shows. But meh, rules. I love deep, conflict-rich worldbuilding and sharp dialogue. All of those shows have both.
I started Thrawn: Alliances, and one thing that came as no surprise is that Anakin makes a terrible Watson to Thrawn’s Sherlock.
What did come as a surprise is that Darth Vader is a marginally better Watson.
And now I realize why I’ve been enjoying Elementary so much; it’s not a cop show: it’s what Grand Admiral Thrawn would be like solving crimes in New York.
The Little Passive Mermaid Lady: Why Ariel is Actually Terrible
In Part Two, The Little Mermaid’s Ariel relinquishes her badassery and delivers on the promise of feminist nightmare I had been expecting.
The Little Badass Mermaid Anthropologist: Why Ariel is Actually Awesome
One thing I wasn’t expecting from The Little Mermaid? To find the title character herself even remotely interesting, let alone a beacon of competence and badassery in the midst of a literal ocean of incompetent and evil associates.
Please Kill Me and then go do some stuff
A few years ago, I picked up Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk on the used book shelf at the grocery store. We put it on our cinder block bookshelf next to …